14 January 2013

Being noticed by people.....

Does saying one word in a conversation make people notice you?

Does visiting a place once or enter a room once make people notice you?

Some of you might argue no, but what if it does?

.....Some people have charm, are eloquent speakers, everybody likes them, so whenever they say that one word, or enter a room the first time they can make people notice them. That is thanks to the three forms of persuasion which these people identify with, namely ethos (character), pathos (emotion) and logos (logic).....

People may like this person cause he or she is successful, has no shortcomings and is an idol to look up to. Adding on this person may also have a pleasant soft toned voice that make people feel at ease, or may say something which is straight to the point and cause people to like him or her cause it is a sign of courage. Well, this is fact. Look at all successful people, leaders and influential people. They do have these attributes or their positions made them acquire it. How is your situation like....?/

Ask yourself: Do people remember your name?
                     Do they remember your face too?

5 November 2012

Uncertainty Reduction Theory

How are you....
Hamba (A South African expression for go away!)

Ever wondered how to properly make friends, how to keep them, or get rid of them!

Well, there are 3 stages you go through when meeting someone or a new person. 

The entry stage is where you and a person meets, does not nesecaraly mean the first time. Although you might know where the person comes from at that pointg or what the person did prior to meeting up, you will not be fully aware of that and will normally start off with a greeting. Expressions under this first stage include, - Hello!
- Hello to you too!
- How are you?
- I'm fine how are you?

The personal stage follows the first one, and it is where questions are asked in-order to seek clarification and much more detail on the person and his/her doings. Expressions under this stage include, what is your name? , from where are you? , how old are you? , where do you work? This is the stage that normally promotes or cuts short current and or future interactions with persons.

In the third and last stage which is the exit level, you and another person can decide whether to move on, by ending the conversation, making an arrangement to proceed further with another topic, in another setting or to make friends and perhaps meet again soon.

All stages are not practiced each time in that order as certain cultures 'okays' it to start at the second stage and just proceed from there. All of you would know how your cultures regulates interaction among yourselves, but with attention to these stages it will then be beneficial to communicate inter-culturally and make new friends.